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The Charm of Bandhani Fabric- A Look at its Origin and Patterns

by Shaan Malhotra 02 May 2023

Originating from the land of Rajasthan, where the vivid colors of the landscape come alive. The dusty terrain is adorned with bursts of vibrant hues, thanks to the mesmerizing art of Bandhani. This ancient technique of tie-dyeing has been passed down through generations, and today it stands as a symbol of the rich heritage of the desert state.

In a world where mass production and fast fashion dominate, Bandhani stands out as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the beauty of slow, handmade craftsmanship. It is a reminder that art is not just a product but a process, a journey that begins with a single thread and ends with a masterpiece.

Bandhani is not just an art or a fabric, it is a whole emotion that captures the essence of Rajasthan. Each pattern and color is a reflection of the region's cultural diversity and the intricate detailing of the skilled and patient artisans stands the test of time. From the deep blues of the desert sky to the fiery reds of the setting sun, every shade finds its way into the fabric, creating a symphony of colors that is truly magical.

While Rajasthan is the birthplace of this art form, Bandhani is also popular in states of Gujarat, and parts of Uttar Pradesh. Each region has its own unique style and technique, adding to the richness and diversity of this timeless craft.

What Exactly Is Bandhani? 

Bandhani or Bandhani, derived from the Hindi / Sanskrit words 'Bandhna' and 'Bandha', meaning 'to tie'. Through this technique, impermeable threads are used to tie the fabric before it is dyed, creating intricate and mesmerizing patterns.

Bandhani is more than just a textile art, it is a celebration of life, love, and culture. It is a way of telling stories through the language of colors and patterns. From the bright hues of the sun to the deep shades of the ocean, Bandhani captures the essence of nature and brings it to life on fabrics.

History of Bandhani

The history of Bandhani art goes back 5000 years, when the world was a very different place. In a small village in India, a group of artisans stumbled upon a technique that would change the course of history - Bandhej. This art form involved tying and dying fabric in intricate patterns, creating a beautiful and unique design.

As the years went by, Bandhej began to spread, gaining popularity among the masses. It became a symbol of status and wealth, with royalty and nobles donning Bandhani sarees on special occasions. Even the Ajanta caves, known for their ancient Buddhist art, bear witness to the beauty of Bandhej.

But it was the Khatri community of Gujarat who truly mastered the art of Bandhej, creating exquisite pieces that were sought after by people all over the world. Cities like Jaipur, Sikar, Bhilwara, and Udaipur in Rajasthan, and Jamnagar in Gujarat, became renowned for their world-class Bandhej work.

Bandhej has never lost its charm. It continues to captivate people with its intricate designs and vibrant colors, and has even evolved with the times, with modern designer brands like Panna Sarees incorporating it into their statement collections.

The Bandhani Technique 

The process of crafting a Bandhani Saree is nothing short of magic, where threads and fabrics come together to create a mesmerizing masterpiece.

It involves skilled artisans tying intricate designs and patterns onto fabrics using threads that resist dye. These fabrics are then dipped into vibrant hues of dyes, which are carefully selected to complement the overall design. The result is a stunning creation that is unique and one-of-a-kind.

As the fabrics are left to dry in the open air, the weather plays an important role in the final outcome. During monsoons, the colors take on a deeper hue, and the drying process can take up to two days. Whereas, in the summer heat, the fabrics dry up in a mere 4-5 hours, giving the colors a brighter and more vivid look.

Bandhani sarees have come a long way since their traditional cotton and muslin roots. Today, Bandhani prints can be seen on georgette, silk, cotton-silk, viscose, and more.

Exquisite Bandhani Patterns

Imagine strolling through a crowded market, surrounded by vendors selling bright, colorful fabrics in every imaginable hue. As you weave through the crowd, you come across a shop where a skilled artisan is practicing the ancient art of Bandhani.

With delicate precision, the artisan ties tiny knots on the fabric, creating intricate patterns and designs. You watch in awe as they create dots of various sizes, each with its own unique name and meaning. 

The Ek Dali or Bundi dot symbolizes a single stem or branch, while the Chaubundi represents the four corners of the universe. The Satbundi dot signifies the seven seas and seven continents, while the Boond and Kodi dots add texture and depth to the design.

As the artisan works, they create stunning clusters of dots that form into beautiful patterns. You see Trikunti designs resembling delicate flowers, Chaubasi formations resembling intricate leaves, and Satbandi clusters representing the seven chakras of the body.

But the creativity doesn't stop there. The artisan moves on to more complex patterns, crafting mountain-shaped designs known as Dungar Shahi, and wavy patterns called Leheriya. You can almost savour the sweet flavors of the Laddu Jalebi pattern, resembling the popular Indian sweet.

After hours of meticulous work, the artisan unveils a breathtaking fabric, filled with color and intricate design. So, next time you buy printed cotton sarees online India with bandhani patterns, make sure to appreciate the efforts put into the craftsmanship. 

Types of Bandhani Sarees 

Bandhani sarees are famous for their bright colors and intricate patterns, and there are various types of Bandhani sarees based on the techniques and patterns used. Some of the popular types of Bandhani sarees are:

Gharchola Bandhani Saree

This type of saree is defined by its large checks or squares, with each square having a different design or pattern. The colors used in these sarees are usually bright and vibrant, and they are commonly worn by Gujarati brides.

Lehariya Bandhani Saree

This saree features a wave-like pattern that is created by tying the fabric at regular intervals and dyeing it in a diagonal or zigzag pattern. The colors used in these sarees are typically bright and vibrant, with each wave being a different color.

Shikari Bandhani Saree

This saree features intricate patterns that are created by tying the fabric at different points and then dyeing it. The patterns are usually inspired by nature, such as flowers, leaves, and animals.

Ekdali Bandhani Saree

In this type of saree, the fabric is tied in small dots, creating a uniform pattern. The dots can be of different sizes and colors, and they are arranged in a specific order to create a unique design.

Bavan Baug Bandhani Saree

This type of saree features 52 different motifs or designs, each with its own unique pattern. The designs are usually inspired by nature, such as flowers, leaves, and animals, and they are arranged in a specific order to create a beautiful and intricate design.

Chandrakhani Bandhani Saree

This saree features a moon-shaped design that is created by tying the fabric in small circles and then dyeing it. The circles are arranged in a specific order to create a beautiful and unique design. 

Wrapping Up

As you drape yourself in the soft folds of a Bandhani saree, you become a part of this rich tradition, carrying with you the history and beauty of India wherever you go. Whether you're walking down the busy streets of Mumbai or attending a lavish wedding in Delhi, let the Bandhani saree be your guide, connecting you to the rich and vibrant culture of our incredible country.

So, if you're looking to buy a traditional bandhani saree or want to buy designer sarees online, we've got you covered with an impressive collection. Whether you want to buy a designer saree to drape for a wedding or for the weekend soiree, Panna Sarees is undoubtedly the go-to store for all your needs!

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